Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Honest Company KEEP KIDS SAFE & EARN $

The Honest Company 
This is a MOTHERS dream. The Honest Company is a Company which has many eco-safe, and affordable company which has made products for customers such as diapers, wipes, soaps, shampoos and cleaning items. They let you try it for FREE-your choice of products, either diaper essentials, cleaning essentials or health and wellness essentials just for becoming a member, and you can cancel at anytime.
SO not only will your family-babies, kids, pets-all be exposed to safe and unharmful affordable products but for each person YOU refer that becomes a member, you earn $20!!!
I'm saying....they care about the average American. It's not like big brand companies that just want the dollar (Johnson & Johnson's bed time bath was found to contain levels of THC and other harmful chemicals), but they make it safe. Click the above link to try it out.

1 comment:

  1. I had an anonymous post asking if they have plug ins to safegard against hackers? That's not something that I'm able to answer you'd need to contact the company however, I have had no issues at all, whatso ever.


Please leave any comment and I will be sure to respond. Remember this: Live each day as your last. Never miss a moment, each moment is a memory that could end up meaning the world to you. Love each other deeply. Hate and dislike hurt the soul and take away from your peace, happiness, creativity and purpose. Live Loud With No Regrets.