Day 30 - Fathers and Mothers Devotion | The New
Each day I read the bible (or something like it). By going to, and doing the devotional titled, "Father's and mother's devotion," I reached day 30 today and it talked about how Jesus was talking to Peter in John 21, and Jesus says, "Peter, do you love me more than these?" and Peter replies, "Yes Lord, you know that I love you." and Jesus replied, "Then feed my Lambs." To Me, this showed the importance of pouring our love for Jesus out by "feeding" each other. I was relating this to the reading and if you click on the link above at the very top, and sign up you can do the whole devotion. Or I'll copy the part that went to this to help you understand what I mean when I'm discussing this.
This is what the devotional to that verse in John 21 said:
It Takes a Village: Feed My Lambs
"Ora na azu nwa"--Nigerian Igbo proverb.
Some of you who are single or married without children may be thinking, “Well, this whole parenting thing is for somebody else.” Not true. The African proverb is right--it really does take a village to raise a child.
You may not have a child but are connected by blood, marriage, and faith to many young ones. God considers you a key part of the discipling process. Parents are often exhausted and overwhelmed by the day-to-day care of their children. They need and welcome as many Jesus-loving, hug-giving adults in their lives as possible.
After his triumphant resurrection, Jesus commissioned believers to feel a sense of communal responsibility for children. He told his main man Peter, 'Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord’, he said, ‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs” (John 21:15).
Whether you’re an auntie or uncle, a Sunday school teacher or a neighbor, a community or church volunteer, a coach or a teacher, Jesus is thrilled that you are willing to be part of his village, thrilled that you place such high value on his little people, thrilled that you are helping to feed his lambs."
This is very true. I believe 100% that Kids DO need as many "Jesus-Loving, hug-giving adults in their lives as possible. For many reasons. of course, to be Fed, but also, To be Loved so they learn to Love. All the 10 commandments are followed by doing TWO things. 1. Loving God Above everyone and everything with all your heart, and 2. Loving Your Neighbor as yourself. We must teach them to Love, not only by emotion, but importantly by action. I believe that when Jesus said to Peter, "Feed my Lambs," he was showing that WE ALL, as Jesus' followers are responsible to look after each other, including each other's children. By doing so we are also following some of his other teachings. We are responsible to feed His lambs. We each have a purpose, but this is a very special one. By feeding His "Lambs" we are following his teaching that we are to keep children innocent. We are to be like kids. Jesus says that if we are not like children we will NOT enter the Kingdom. In Matthew 19:13-15, People brought children to Jesus for him to Place his hands on them and pray for them. These people were rebuked by the disciples because in their minds, Jesus was much too busy to be bothered with some kids. But Jesus made it known: "Bring the children to me and do NOT hinder them. For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." Then he placed his hands on them and prayed. This TINY passage goes with this reading. We are to BRING children to Jesus' Kingdom and not hinder them from coming. how do we do this? We Do this by following his teaching to Peter. We feed the Lambs and BAM! It's a domino effect. We are responsible for using our gifts to get to children, our own, our neighbor kids, nieces, nephews, and younger siblings, and feeding them spiritual knowledge. Feeding them love. Feeding them the Word of God. Feeding them kindness, gentleness, and EVERY ounce of Jesus we can. Once The Children are fed, once we have "Fed His Lambs," then we will learn to notice, learn to act like, learn to believe like a "lamb." Once we play with the children, teach them, get to know them, we will then, By Feeding them, learn how to get into Heaven. By being with a child and becoming child like, Jesus tells us that "The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to Such As These." So, we are not only responsible to feed the Lambs, but to become like them. How? BELIEF. Innocence. Children believe us adults out of faith, out of being unable to do much without us, by relying on us. They are so innocent that they have no choice but to believe we will feed them, we will cloth them, give them all they need because through their innocence, they are required to believe us, trust us, and have a strong desire to be like us. Why? Didn't your parent's ever say not to feed the stray cat? Once you feed it, the cat TRUSTS you'll always feed it, care for it, as do Children. We feed the Lambs, And once we feed His Lambs, we will learn to embrace that innocence of a child and enter the Kingdom. We will learn to just accept as a child does that Jesus will be sure our needs are met, and we will enter the Kingdom. They Accept what we tell them, as we need to Be "such as these" and believe what Jesus says. Don't be a "Thomas," who was low in his faith and had to see the sores in Jesus' hands To believe it was the Lord, Thomas had to have it proven to him, he wasn't innocent as a child and didn't just accept it, Jesus showed him his sores where the nails were THEN he believed, don't be like Thomas. But instead, Feed His Lambs His knowledge, God's Word, and in the process, learn to Be as a Lamb and eat Jesus' Knowledge as a child: Innocently, acceptingly, and most importantly with Faith and Strong Belief that what he says is true. As a Child (Lamb) eats the knowledge we read them and teach them of the word, we need to be such as those and eat the same knowledge we are feeding.
So, Always stay alert and Feed His Lambs. Then Become A Lamb yourself.

Who doesn't want to spend more time with kids, have a clean, organized house, live doing arts&crafts, have the best relationship on the block, and do it all in a days time, in a "Christian Like" manner? Me too. Here is a solid attempt to do so. Anything posted has been attempted by myself, my children, my husband, or created and/or thought of by us. TRY THIS AT HOME!!!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
This is a very helpful relaxation video I used today. Everyone needs some relaxation once in a while, and there are many for free on You Tube. Lately I have been doing these relaxation techniques and I notice how much calmer I feel. Let's face it, life is stressful. Though I LOVE my kids, they can do things that I allow my self to get stressed over. I have an anxiety issue that I've had since I've been a child so therefore, I had to find HEALTHY ways to cope with it. Sure my prescription of "nerve pills" is helpful, but is it really? It helps for the time being but when it wares off my stress and anxieties are still there. So, I turned to this recently. Because clearing my mind, letting go of stress, and allowing myself to calm down really puts a reality on stillness that is so needed in life. So, try this out if you never have. Try this out if you never feel quiet, take ten fifteen minutes for yourself. Especially being a parent it's important because we need to learn to quiet our minds or calm down at the drop of a dime. Give it a go, and if it works let me know. If you don't have 18 minutes and 36 seconds for this one like I said, there are shorter ones out there. that last as little as 5 minutes. If it comes down to do this or flip out....take the time. Not into meditation, what are some other useful techniques you use for stress? Ive done guided immagry, running, exercise, and just flat out took a nap. What do you do?
Friday, November 8, 2013
Okay so, I have done a part one on Christmas Shopping. I so far have a gift for 18/22 people on my list COMPLETED for Christmas and that is something to be proud about having accomplished this by last week which was. But my Kids, they are more extreme to shop for, especially our own. I have come across some websites that are new to me that I have started using that I'm about to share, I have some ideas for low cost, home made, handmade, personalized, and low cost gifts for just kids. So here are some very helpful tips I was taught, picked up or learned throughout the years.
- As you know I was a skeptic turned huge fan of Amazon. The economy today doesn't leave much room for spending $5, $2, $6, $9, or even $0.75 extra on a gift if Amazon is able to search the SAME gifts from DIFFERENT stores at different prices, saving a few bucks here and there. EVERY PENNY COUNTS DURING THE HOLIDAYS TO AVOID DEPRESSION, AND AVOIDING DEPRESSION GIVES ONE THE REASON TO ENJOY THE SEASON: FAMILY, FRIENDS, LOVE, AND THE BIRTH OF JESUS. No need to say what we've all said ONCE at least, "I can't wait until Christmas is over!" Avoid it using every resource available. Click on the right side of the blog here to check out SAVINGS and GIFT ideas that are brought to your door. If you are one of those people who doesn't put credit cards online, that's fine, you'd still save money buying a prepaid credit card which doesn't require any personal information and can be purchased at your bank, grocery store, or drug store. (ALSO MAKE GREAT GIFTS). OR to avoid the WHOLE credit card or checking acct issue, then buy an AMAZON GIFT CARD, sold at the same stores, and pay with it. You can then chose to have it gift wrapped and sent to the person, or sent to your home. Christmas of 2011 I did ALL shopping on AMAZON. DIDNT ever leave the house.
- Next, I found a website GREAT for gifts of every holiday and reward in a magazine: Women's Day. ~This one can be used for your own kid/grandkid/etc. or a child you know little about. It's a Web Site you can get to by clicking this link named: The Toy Insider Guide: For the hottest toys of the season . It just lists toys well known, and little known of that are great for all kids.
- Remember all those GREAT toys from your childhood, or looking for either a specific or special toy for a child? Try this Web Site: The Land of Nod . I enjoy this site because the gifts are unique and if you sign up for their email, then you get coupon codes as well as special offers. And as I will FOREVER and ALWAYS mention that making your own gifts is the best, and shows time and love as well as saves money, the Land of Nod also has a blog with some interesting things they call, "Tips, quips and tricks." on their blog that gave me some ideas for some DIY gifts. It's at this site: HONEST TO NOD.
- I find a home made gift one that means more as children grow. It's also especially special if you can get one or more siblings in the mix of making a Do It Your Self gift, because they will STRESS how special it is. Last year I did some sewing for my children. I went and picked out two fabrics per child, some stuffing and made a pillow per child. NOT JUST ANY PILLOW. I made fleece on one side, regular cloth on the other, and put a patch of the regular cotton cloth on the fleece side, making a nice pocket for them to place books, Diaries, E readers, ETC. So you have a pillow with fabric that matches their personality, and EVERYONE loves doing things they shouldn't once in a while, right? So in that pocket I also gave them a SHARPIE PERMANANT MARKER. This was because the pocket was intended for books~regular, chapter, or E books. And when they were done reading this stuff, they could write the name of book, and date. Like a book journal on a pillow. My youngest daughter still loves hers.
- Have you heard of "Quiet Books?" They are books which are made of felt and are real unique, not just another reading book, but a book with activities to keep the kids quiet, entertained, and imaginative. I'm going to share two from one of my best loved ideas I found from a blog named: SUNSHINE, LOLLIPOPS AND RAINBOWS. A HUGE plus, not only do kids like them, they are easy to make, and last a life time, BUT this blog SHARES the templates/patterns you need to make them. For free. That's right, free templates to a one of a kind kids book. (If you make one, as I'm going to, make it your own, add your own few touches and share it with the bloggers. FIRST QUIET BOOK: Kids of all ages like MR. POTATOE HEAD. I would make one for all my children ranging from ages 2-10 and when you see it, and see how easy it is, you'll fall in love as I did. If you're not an expert sewer, so what, neither am I, and you don't have to sew you COULD use fabric glue, right??? :) Here is my most favorite, click the link it will take you to the blog that has the templates; Mr.Potatoe Head Quiet Book and I'm sure your little one, tween, teen, or even older children like me at 29 will love getting this. The next one I'm sharing is getting made for my 2 year old son. He I obsessed and LOVES cars. It's great for the car in my opinion, Junior can sit in his car seat with his quiet book, being quiet, driving. Being a back seat driver while daddy drives up front. To get to this blog's pattern for the car and roads quiet book: Car page Quiet Book . These are just TWO of my favorite quiet books, and there are many more. Just be sure to check out the whole Blog: THE WHOLE BLOG~ "SUNSHINE, RAINBOWS,AND LOLLIPOPS" they are quite creative.
- Ok not a fan of sewing, not a fan of felt books, or looking for something else to do? Then here is an idea that I recently made my kids for their walls. I received two metal trays from a yard sale for a total of $0.15 each. I then made my 6 year old PINK Chalkboard paint, and my 2 year had his chalkboard paint done in blue. So, step 1 find old metal trays (I used decorative trays, but you could use old metal trays from TV dinner stands, old metal serving trays, I'll show an example picture, as long as it's metal it'll work). We made these as a craft/home made gift for my son's 2nd birthday this past October 4th, and of course the sibling helping needed her own, so she got it. Any way we took acrylic paint, mixed it with unsanded grout until it was the consistency of thick pancake batter, painted over the beautifully decorated trays, let it dry and hung them on the wall. They now had a magnet tray AND a chalk board to hang on their wall in one.
- My all time FAVORITE BLOG is called A Beautiful Mess, just like ME! So, these are two sisters that do crafts, home décor, photography, fashion, beauty, and recipes ALL year long. They also taught me to make my chalk board paint I made for the last project I listed ^above^ , however I believe it's important for kids to have a creative journal at all ages. That is a great way to let them outlet their feelings, thoughts, fears, happiness, and be okay with it. Now this blog has a TON of DIY ideas, but my favorite journal for kids is made little, but special. I put stickers and used different sorts of craft and cardstock papers for my daughter's. But check this easy to pack in your purse, your son's back pack, a diaper bag, your daughter's purse, etc., It's called a Mini Magazine Notebook. Click on the link to check it out. (this would make a good gift for an adult who doesn't remember well or who's always taking notes too) The DIY Mini Magazine Journal. For more gifts like more types of journals and scrapbooks, as well as textile printing, phone cases, sewing for beginners, DIY decorating for your kid's room/toy room/and the rest, and most importantly at the bottom of this next link the DO IT YOURSELF KIDDO, with a bunch of ideas for kiddies. Here's the link to their DIY crafts: DIY Crafts~Choose a gift for ANYONE in the family, there is EVERYTHING! And if you want to see what's newest, and start at the main page of the blog, get to know about Elsie and Emma and how they are so creative, then you can chose your categories for a gift by going to: A Beautiful Mess Blog, Everything creative
- FINALLY FOR NOW: Who has better, and more perfect ideas than Martha Stewart? Well in my opinion it's the Beautiful mess blog, BUT I stopped by and checked out some of Martha's things. I think that you could make a gift for a kid of ANY age with her help. There are gifts in a jar, gifts kids can make, gifts for book lovers, bath and spa gifts, stocking stuffers, pet gifts and even MORE! So, here is the link to get Christmas Crafting: Home Made Christmas Gifts, How to with Martha Stewart . There will be something FOR everyone to be able to make and something FOR everyone to LOVE.
Well I KNOW this has been a long list, a lot of information, and a LOAD of links to check out, but I'm confident you'll get your "shopping" done early and find the right gift for everyone you look for just by looking at these links. REMEMBER: last minute shopping=stress and regret and dread. So Stress, Regret, and Dread=RESENTMENT. AND Resentment of having to shop for the Holidays=not enjoying the reason for the season: Celebrating the Birth of Jesus, and sharing with family. Not just toys to kids gifts to others BUT love, togetherness, and happiness.
Look out for my FINAL and Part 3 of Christmas shopping for ADULTS.
xoxo happy shopping and crafting~
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