Who doesn't want to spend more time with kids, have a clean, organized house, live doing arts&crafts, have the best relationship on the block, and do it all in a days time, in a "Christian Like" manner? Me too. Here is a solid attempt to do so. Anything posted has been attempted by myself, my children, my husband, or created and/or thought of by us. TRY THIS AT HOME!!!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
Healthy snack..Apples with honey drizzle 🍯
#myfavorite #latenightsnack #healthy #afterschoolsnacks #apples #honey#appleadaykeepsdraway #sorethroatremedies #soretgroat #naturalmedicine #naturesmedicine
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
OK. I turned spring cleaning to summer cleaning because of personal things that kept me away...family "issues." But #1 at least the kids can help clean and #2 who likes to be traditional? If we spring clean in the summer, we can clean, removing things we don't need. Our OLD treasures have you, that we "forgot," didn't use after all, wish there was somewhere to put it cause it takes up too much space and no one uses it, all the "old" things of the kids, and turn our clutter into MONEY. PLUS #3 I downloaded BLOGGEROID on my phone. So, when I'm not home, I can still keep up with our plans.
Since I turned Spring Cleaning to Summer Cleaning, we don't have to be in the house due to the RAIN! I'm not sure where you live but we get rained in sometimes. Sometimes, the opposite. I let the kids get rained "OUT." No lightning, yes you can "Jump up and down in muddy puddles" Like Pepa Pig. Like they say, "EVERYONE LOVES JUMPING UP AND DOWN IN MUDDY PUDDLES." So, even if it don't rain where you are spray a yard and jump in mud with the kids. If you haven't seen this cartoon, not just the pigs do it. Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, Suzy Sheep, Pedro Pony, Zoe Zebra, Emily Elephant and whomever I forgot, they love it and so do their parents. Off Subject. ADHD again, but I work thru it. I don't take medications for that so work with me.
Next on our cleaning agenda was that I was going to list the SAFE cleaners you can make from your own household items, some that are staples you buy and wouldn't think of, some you may know about like I did, but I was unaware of the possibilities that each one possessed. So, I'll list the items we can clean with, and you make sure you have them.
OK. I turned spring cleaning to summer cleaning because of personal things that kept me away...family "issues." But #1 at least the kids can help clean and #2 who likes to be traditional? If we spring clean in the summer, we can clean, removing things we don't need. Our OLD treasures have you, that we "forgot," didn't use after all, wish there was somewhere to put it cause it takes up too much space and no one uses it, all the "old" things of the kids, and turn our clutter into MONEY. PLUS #3 I downloaded BLOGGEROID on my phone. So, when I'm not home, I can still keep up with our plans.
Next on our cleaning agenda was that I was going to list the SAFE cleaners you can make from your own household items, some that are staples you buy and wouldn't think of, some you may know about like I did, but I was unaware of the possibilities that each one possessed. So, I'll list the items we can clean with, and you make sure you have them.
- BAKING SODA (I use 2 small a month one for in fridge and in freezer as a neutralizer,2 large ones, a box for laundry, and a second large box for actual cleaning tips or cleaning"paste")
- SALT (I rarely use a whole container of salt, its mainly used for scrubbing, so if you are like me and don't cook with salt, what's on hand should be fine. If your family uses salt for food a lot, or play doh, then I'd grab one for cleaning.
- LEMON JUICE (Though you can buy small lemon shaped containers, I get the big jug. I never use it all before it expires, BUT if you're not eating it and just cleaning, it still works and the fact it's expired a little won't matter)
- A LEMON OR LIME (I buy one every month to two months. They get rid of stubborn stains that need scrubbed, by pouring salt on a lemon half, it works better than a scouring rag, and even SOS pads)
- PEROXIDE( this is great to have an extra bottle or two in the laundry area. Just a few things it usually always will work on, getting blood out of clothes, it helps get rid of grass stains, and even got permanent marker out of my daughters new white shirt, red juice out of grandma's $700 rug and more, also a great disinfectant)
- WHITENING TOOTH PASTE-must be whitening and paste NOT gel (I buy the cheap brand for cleaning, they do the same. So, one example we'll use it for: whitening porcelain sinks and toilets if stained or just want them show room white, and whitening any white shoes...and more)
- VINEGAR(Again I have one for cooking and food, and a gallon every month to three months for cleaning. This gets rid of black mold-which causes brain damage, and that black GUNK behind the bathroom and/or kitchen faucet. Also a great disinfectant)
- RUBBING ALCOHOL (As with peroxide I keep an extra on hand. Rubbing alcohol amazingly, an obvious germ and bacteria cleaner, it cleans the mold, bacteria, and disease off your garden tools so your new garden don't catch a cold, cleans your combs, and not to mention chrome.)
I promise I'll be around more. I will be on the computer more because: YAY I finally went and got myself enrolled to get a degree in Psychology concentrating in Human Services and Substance Abuse Counseling. So, in between assignments, I'll post more often.
Happy Summer,
Happy Puddle Jumping and Swimming,
Happy Organizing and Cleaning,
Most important~Work to be a happy YOU,
Friday, May 9, 2014
When I said spring cleaning, did you think you'd be cleaning and organizing your cleaning supplies? Well this makes the most sense because you're going to need these things in order to clean and organize the rest of your soon to be humble home.
Things to do before each session is to grab a box, I get mine free from this link> The United States Postal Service Free Shipping Supplies you can throw all items in one box that you don't want or need, and sort later, or get a garbage bag for throw away, box for donate, box for yard sale(yes another GREAT step in this spring cleaning), and box for storage.
First step is making sure you have what you need. You can buy or make your own cleaning supplies. I'll eventually~shortly~be giving you access to making your own cleaning supplies to save money.
First, you should get out all cleaning supplies and put them into one pile, place, bucket, whatever. What do you NOT use, and why? Example: I do NOT use my store bought stainless steel cleaner because I have my own remedy. So I place that in the get rid of pile. I do NOT use "Goo be Gone" often because it's not something made to clean everyday items. I do use it when I need Goo to be Gone and nothing else works. So, keep. Do this until you have gone thru all your cleaning supplies old and new. Don't keep something because you forgot you had it. There is a reason you forgot about it. Donating cleaning supplies to your local animal, homeless, or women's shelter is a great way to get rid of things without wasting them. Here is a list of MUST HAVES for Spring Cleaning.
You need very few store bought or homemade cleaners. You need:
- All purpose Cleaner
- Cleaner with bleach/disinfectant
- Sanitizer for air/surface like OUST, or LYSOL DISINFECTANT SPRAY
- Window Cleaner
- Stain Remover for Carpet/Furniture
- Fabreeze or room deodorizer
- Baking Soda
- Vinegar
- Rubbing Alcohol
- White Paste Toothpaste
- Salt
- lemon, or lemon juice. Always good to have a lemon on hand
- Broom and Dust pan
- Mop
- Caddy to keep the next items in. Caddys can make cleaning so easy since you put what you need and onward to chore after chore, as well as provide a place for you to keep supplies). On the side of this blog is a link to the caddy that I bought and have had for 3 years now. It's blue and carries all I need to do a simple chore. I load it up pending which chore I have to do.
- Cleaning rags (you can buy your own, or use old clothes/towels)
- Napkins (You can be budget friendly and get the store brand, or for heavy cleaning, you can get the nice blue cloth like ones that are great for cleaning, either is fine)
- Small 13 gallon garbage bags, for quick room, cupboard, dresser, craft-room, toy room, anything you clean out.
- Spray bottles for homemade cleaners if you'll be going that route.
- Old newspaper for cleaning glass(optional)
- Scrub brush
- Colored Sponges-I color code, example: green=kitchen, blue=bathroom, yellow=toilets, pink=bedrooms, etc. Or you can use permanent marker and mark them. I use the pretty ones that I have listed next to the posts, looks like an amazon advertisement. ~I also use, promote, and swear by the Mr.Clean Magic eraser sponges. Name brand or store brand I live by them.
- Reusable or Throw away gloves. I have two pair of reusable gloves and I just disinfect them often.
Check it out, and let me know what you like to have in your caddy, on hand for cleaning, and your amazing ideas for cleaning supplies made at home.
Happy Organizing
with young kids try to either keep things locked up or refrain from using under the sink as your cleaning supply spot. Don't forget to put them up and teach your kids they are poison.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Are You "Crossing" Your Children? - PARENTING, CHRISTIAN PARENTING
Take a quick two minutes to click here, and read this link. Its amazing how true it is. By reading it we could stop our Children from doing BAD things.
CROSS YOUR CHILDREN! Definition of "cross" in this case:it comes from the Hebrew word atsab, meaning 'to grieve' or 'to stretch into shape'. For us to "CROSS OUR KIDS," we need to stretch them into the properly disciplined shape.
WOW!! I HAD TO SHARE THIS. I get emails all the time from this Website. I have found times that I was having issues dealing with something and next thing I know here is some advice from somebody. If you are not a Christian, please do not let this stop you from reading this. I am a Christian, and glad that I found something that would help me to deal with an issue I have at home, as well as share it with you.
I have been having issues with my six year old daughter, and my two year old son when it comes to discipline. I'm just like the article says. I am busy, I want to pick my battles and sometimes if it's not hurting them, I just let it go. I'm very guilty of that.
My 6 year old, Aerieannah, is on this little 'kick' when she's corrected. She doesn't have to be yelled at. She doesn't have to be told anything negative. We believe in the philosophy if you tell a child they do something wrong, you also throw in something positive. Example: "Aerieannah, I asked you to clean your room last night, and there are still mini rubber bands all over, and your dirty water bottles are still in here. But, other than those things you did okay, and I like the way you hung up your purses on the side of the closet that was creative." She is a very smart six year old so she knows that isn't being yelled at or put down. But instead she's always saying, "I don't do anything right." And my least liked, "Nobody appreciates me no matter what I do." I don't know where she heard the second thing. But, I'm guilty for the first statement when I'm frustrated. So, anyway I've been very carefully and lightly "picking my battles" with her. But I need to "Cross Aerieannah more." She is a great Christian for being six. She's at Bible school today as a matter of fact and we don't make her go. We let her go if she wants and she never misses. I'm going to share this passage with her, and explain that every time she's corrected, or told to do something different, it's because we want to "stretch her to be more Godly."
As for my 2 year old son Chris Junior, when he's corrected, he either doesn't care, or is on this "kick" of saying "I'm sorry." in a sad voice when he has no need to feel that bad about it. I know he only partially knows what it means but he genuinely feels bad when something happens and says sorry like that in the saddest voice. NEXT he'll say, "Oh, mommy mad at me?" Or "I make Grammy sad?" And we have been working on explaining when he hurts somebody and feels bad about it that is when he should feel sorry. We've explained we don't get mad at him, just upset because he knows better and we still love him so much. We explain that HE doesn't make anyone sad it's what he did that upset somebody but they love him more than an object. We are working on that. As for him being forgiving and wanting forgiven, I don't feel we'll have an issue stretching him that way. It's just throughout the day, when a two year old boy (I never went through this with my 3 girls) decides he is going to do what he wants to do. He ignores us. He throws the normal fit when he doesn't get what he wants. So, to make it less stressful for us, I now notice we are picking our battles with him there too. If he throws a fit because he wants to go outside and we are all inside, just so we don't have to fight him over the door (he opens and closes it on his own, and will step on just the top step-for now to test us), one of us will say he needs to get pants and shoes on. Then we are sitting on the porch despite what we had to do before we should 'play.' We now need to be more stern because he will learn quick what he can get away with him and we want to 'stretch him into a good listening, patient boy. See, we are TAKING patients from him by not making him wait.
I'm going to share my favorite part of the advice from this email I shared with you. It's at the end. It tells us how to become more ACTIVE parents, (I feel I meet most of that part), how to hold our children accountable-I need more of that, and it helps us manage their attitude which I need to do with Aerieannah. Here is the quote from the end:
“Crossing” is simply another name for “active parenting.” Crossing is being involved in your child’s life and knowing their daily activities. It is being on top of their schedule and knowing who their friends are. It is placing yourself and God’s standard before them on a regular basis. It is governing what they read in books and see on the screen, both computer and theatre. It is having full access to computer passwords, iPod, cell phones and bedrooms. It is enforcing curfews and keeping them accountable. It gives you the freedom to not simply manage actions but attitude, facial expressions and tone of voice. It requires, at times, for you to grieve them and look for the opportunities to “stretch” them into the shape God desires. Ultimately, crossing says, “I love you” in a gritty, consistent, uncomfortable, unpopular way. And therein lies the problem. For many parents it is too much work and requires too much time. Because stretching is hard and grieving children is difficult, we neglect our biblical responsibility to our children’s peril. As verse 6 indicates, crossing cannot happen without cross-examination – asking the tough questions. It is the responsibility of every parent to ask the confrontational question, “Why have you done so?” Regardless of your age or theirs, you are your child’s keeper, particularly if they sleep under your roof and are kept afloat by your financial boat. God leads by example when he cross-examined the first family:~From The official blog of Rod Arters as posted on www.crosswalk.com
I think that part spoke to me the most.
I also like at the end when they use the verse from Hebrews (they use 12:7-11). I think that 'softies' such as myself need to remember that it says in the Bible that we are loved if we are disciplined. It talks about how we are disciplined because we are loved and wanted to be brought up right. Also, how nobody LIKES to be disciplined, most of us form resentments in the process. But if we read the Bible and trust the Word, we will know that, like it says," though we do not like it while we are enduring it, in the end it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
Sure it hurts me and my feelings {as well as my kids' feelings} when I discipline them. I don't even hit them. But don't we all want our children to have a harvest of righteousness and peace? OF COURSE WE DO. So, I'm going to step it up. With summer coming, I'll report my progress on my two youngest kiddos. Let me know what you thought of this. I liked it and HAD to share it.
I got some cool crafts to share with you this month. We are organizing like crazy. SPRING CLEANING of course. I want to share some of the cool ideas I found myself, as well as some that I found in magazines and thanks to other Bloggers. I hope that when I put the different things down that helped me, my husband, and my children to not only be organized but also, to put our house into perspective, you will get the feeling I got. RELIEF that the little spots of clutter are gone. Looks like a new house in places. YES I'm still working. I am going to master my daughter's bedroom and our craft area, as well as the toy/play area. This will lead into how to get ready to throw a killer yard sale in order to buy much needed things for summer, or just to get rid of the old.
NEXT a NEW YOU: as moms and dads, we don't have a ton of time to work out do we? I have found some 5, 7, and 10 minute workouts that you can do while cooking, cleaning, reading to the kids, playing with the kids, and just sitting on the computer at home, work, or school.
Along with a new you, I have been trying a TON of lotions, make ups, hair supplies, and everything beauty. As a mom, you play such an important role in your child's life. It's important your children know that you DO take time to paint your nails, shave your legs, throw on some anti-aging lotion, and keep your hair strong and looking new with different styles. I have not only found the highly recommended in magazines we read, but I have tried them and passed them to friends and family to get an opinion. I'm not a huge blog so NO I am NOT getting paid to recommend these products throughout these months.
FINALLY: PRODUCTS FOR THE KIDS. Lets share summer ideas for kid toys and trips. As well as our favorite must have summer products. Feel free to share now, or as the topic comes up. Deal? As we get more followers and more and more feed backs we will be doing more give always. It just seems like it's not a great idea to do that NOW since we have mainly friends of mine and family following. LOL. NOT FAIR> but down the road as the listings go up I will post freebies and you can find them on Pinterest. I'll post the link when that time comes.
Okay first two steps will be coming within this week. Along with some COOL actual professional looking crafts and the how to's.
I got some cool crafts to share with you this month. We are organizing like crazy. SPRING CLEANING of course. I want to share some of the cool ideas I found myself, as well as some that I found in magazines and thanks to other Bloggers. I hope that when I put the different things down that helped me, my husband, and my children to not only be organized but also, to put our house into perspective, you will get the feeling I got. RELIEF that the little spots of clutter are gone. Looks like a new house in places. YES I'm still working. I am going to master my daughter's bedroom and our craft area, as well as the toy/play area. This will lead into how to get ready to throw a killer yard sale in order to buy much needed things for summer, or just to get rid of the old.
NEXT a NEW YOU: as moms and dads, we don't have a ton of time to work out do we? I have found some 5, 7, and 10 minute workouts that you can do while cooking, cleaning, reading to the kids, playing with the kids, and just sitting on the computer at home, work, or school.
Along with a new you, I have been trying a TON of lotions, make ups, hair supplies, and everything beauty. As a mom, you play such an important role in your child's life. It's important your children know that you DO take time to paint your nails, shave your legs, throw on some anti-aging lotion, and keep your hair strong and looking new with different styles. I have not only found the highly recommended in magazines we read, but I have tried them and passed them to friends and family to get an opinion. I'm not a huge blog so NO I am NOT getting paid to recommend these products throughout these months.
FINALLY: PRODUCTS FOR THE KIDS. Lets share summer ideas for kid toys and trips. As well as our favorite must have summer products. Feel free to share now, or as the topic comes up. Deal? As we get more followers and more and more feed backs we will be doing more give always. It just seems like it's not a great idea to do that NOW since we have mainly friends of mine and family following. LOL. NOT FAIR> but down the road as the listings go up I will post freebies and you can find them on Pinterest. I'll post the link when that time comes.
Okay first two steps will be coming within this week. Along with some COOL actual professional looking crafts and the how to's.
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